Wednesday, October 14, 2009

On the Bandwagon...

Why, hello there!

It's been a while since I've wandered into the Blogosphere. I believe my last Xanga post consisted of trivial rantings of a hormonal teenager and planning what mischief my friends and I had in store for the weekend. Alas, I've reached another transition in my life and feel that I must, again, share my experiences with the world.

In the five months I have:
  1. Graduated from college
  2. Taught a six week long math class to 7th and 8th graders (my first long term class), in addition to a gazillion other one week long classes.
  3. Got accepted into Graduate School
  4. Got a job as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the College of Education
  5. Got a job as a tutor at Sylvan Learning Center
And oh,

I got married.

Summer and the last few months have literally been a blur of wedding planning, lesson planning, teaching, working out, hanging out, eating, dancing, presents, copious thank-you notes, working, studying, and sleeping. Chad and I love married life... although it takes a little getting used to having some other human being in your personal space 24/7. (I mean who puts open food UNCOVERED in the fridge?? You think an engineer would be smarter than that!) But all-in-all, these past few months have been unquestionably the happiest months of my life. Not only am I married to the love of my life, but I get to call my best friend my husband.

Alright, enough of the mushy stuff. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone's life with a much more sophisticated blogging platform :)

Gosh, I just love Google. But we'll save that love affair for another day.


  1. Hey there!
    Welcome, welcome! I was so excited to see your comment on my blog and I'm already a follower of yours! :-) We've been blogging for months so you have lots of catching up to do!!! Can't wait to see more posts from Casablanca (or is that Casa Banka?!)

  2. Hey gorgeous! What a cute blog- I'm so glad you joined up! Can't wait to hear all about your exciting life. Miss you tons- I better be seeing you over Christmas break!
