Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Just in case you didn't see my text messages or Facebook posts... my nephew Andrew Thomas Illa was born at 12:52 PM weighing 5 lbs 12 oz. Not too shabby for being a month early :)

Fantastic day for the Morrow/Mowe/Illa and now Banka families!!

I'll post pictures when I get them... so PUMPED!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Baby Steps

Friday marked the first, very official career fair for yours truly... and I was completely unprepared. For some unknown reason, I never received any email notification or anything. Luckily, Twitter saved the day as one of my undergrad friends commented on how he was heading out to the event. I threw on my clothes, printed off countless resumes, and slammed my portfolio all into a shiny black purse and flew to the Alumni building.

And... I think it went really well! I talked to all the major districts in the KC area and got beyond excited. It seems like now is the perfect time for math educators and waiting a year will pay off. Blue Valley is opening an entirely new high school next year, Gardner already has a high school position open and will be conducting interviews soon, and Kansas City Kansas PS seems really engaged and enthusiastic.

But... where will we be in a year? I know I've alluded to this, but there's a 50/50 chance that we won't even be back in the KC area next year. It all depends on where my man gets a job. Where ever that will be it's where God needs us to be... I just hope that I am able to find a teaching job in a relatively timely fashion to prevent inevitable panic attacks, sleepless nights and information overload of cramming an entire year worth of planning into a month at best.

If push comes to shove and I don't find a job in a timely fashion, I will grit my teeth and survive. Better people than I have escaped frantic planning with minor bumps and bruises; I hope I can model after them!

In addition to day dreaming about future vocational opportunities, Chad and I have become quite the culinary cavaliers! In the last week we've made creamy chicken enchiladas, turkey sandwiches with a mock aoli spread, biscuits and gravy (my very first gravy!), and la piece de la resistance: Chicken Cordon Bleu with sinfully creamy mashed potatoes, roasted carrots and a divine butter gravy. Although it took 2 hours to cook, both of us gleamed with pride as we sat at the table reminiscing over past food-failures. And after all that cooking, neither one of us was hungry enough to eat the food!!

This week will be a slightly less demanding menu on both my time and waistline (oh, but it was SO good!) with the major meal being Chicken Parmigiana from scratch to celebrate our 3rd month of marriage. It's been so long since Chad and I have counted month-iversaries. It's kinda cute! On the 15th, it will be 3 months of marriage and a week shy of 5 years, 5 months dating.

Oh my, time flies!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Diversity in Technology Assignment

According to the article, "The Digital Divide: Where We Are," the digital divide is defined as the gap between the communities or individuals that have, and do not have, access to information technologies. Even though technology seems to integrate itself in our daily lives more than ever, the simple fact remains that not everyone has equal access to the digital information highway and as a result, are left behind in analogue abyss. The United States boasts one of the most technology prolific populations in the world but yet has millions of people lacking internet access at home. In a society that assumes internet availability to all (particularly in modern schools), many people simply can not afford the monthly connection bill. In a livelihood so dependent on immediate access to infinite bytes of information, those that do not have access to the internet are at a distinct disadvantage in staying current and marketable in our job market. This particular article highlighted race and socio-economic reasons for the digital divide in the United States.

As a teacher, we must be sensitive to the digital divide when assigning homework, class projects, and communicating with the student and family. In order to comprehend better how people of different ages, races, genders, and countries of origin access technology, we were assigned to interview a student. For those of you that don't know, I am not currently teaching. So finding a student to interview (that's not my husband or friends) was perplexing. That's when I decided to implement the power of Twitter and my personal learning network (PLN) to complete the assignment. Using Google Docs, I created a fillable form to distribute via direct messages and general posts to various teachers on Twitter. I was amazed to see quick reactions of support and enthusiasm from teachers all over the world! Although only four people responded in the short time-frame, I gleaned information from: a 16-year-old, African-American female from Ohio; a mid-50's, African-American female from Kansas City, MO; a 52-year-old Hispanic male from Mexico; and a 23-year-old, Caucasian female from Finland. Responses describing the types of technology revealed heavy professional uses of computers and different programs for the older participants whereas the younger students demonstrated their preference for mobile technology such as cell phones, GPS, and laptops for continuous social communication. Usage preferences were also demonstrated when participants described their favorite technologies. The older participants, and fellow math-nerds, described their love for mathematical programs such as Mathematica and Fraqtive for pattern observation and fractal creation whereas the younger participants again listed mobile technology. The American teenager's response depicted the stereotypical tech-addicted teen by using the internet to socialize, entertain and learn whereas the Finnish young-adult described her desire to resist digital addiction by checking Facebook only once a week and leaving her cell phone at home most days.

Overall, the survey was completely biased as I interviewed students by using technology, but I found the responses very interesting. As I am maturing, I find my personal use of technology morphing from purely social (AIM and Xanga, anyone?) to endless professional development and intense learning. If I had a chance to redo the assignment, I would have asked more thought provoking questions and perhaps used Skype to interview them "personally."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Alfredo Sauce

The Colorful Chicken Alfredo from Kevin and Amanda's blog was absolutely delicious! (See button on right hand side to access their recipes). The only thing that didn't work out so well was the sauce. Unfortunately, I didn't have any fresh parmigiana cheese, so the sauce never thickened up. BUT it tasted glorious!

Will definitely be cooking that one again... with real cheese. And if it still doesn't thicken up, then I'll try my hand at a rue.

The one thing I LOVE about her site is that it shows pictures of her preparing the meal. I even learned how to properly julienne a pepper :) Also, this recipe had you make chicken broth and called for extra peppers than needed... but have no fear, she talks about how she saves her food for other recipes. :) Our foodsaver is, literally, a life saver (and money saver).

Next week, Chicken Cordon Bleu with Roasted Carrots and Creamy Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas. This weekend cooking my absolutely fantastic Taco Soup for the fam-damly and then trying out a chocolate peanut butter cake.

Let you know how those go!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Saturday's conference was absolutely incredible. At first, I was a little hesitant because I knew the chances of women my age attending were slim-to-none. Although that little fact turned true, I met some absolutely amazing and inspiring women and contributed to highly intellectual and motivating conversations all day.

It was refreshing, recharging and re-motivating.

The most important topic I gleaned from the conference was how crucial it is to find a mentor-- a friend in your life that will look at you and tell you the honest-to-God truth. A friend who isn't afraid to sugar coat the truth to save your vanity but will unleash the most ruthless of criticisms with a heart full of love and support and a shoulder ready to catch your tears.

How many of us honestly have a friend like that now?

I've had friends like that in the past but since we're in such a huge transition phase right now (my mentor moved to PA)... it's hard to maintain the strong friendships we had in high school and college. We're all starting new adventures: marriage; graduate school; first real job; moving to a new state or home; or a combination of the above. And though the bonds of friendship will always be strong and distance does make the heart grow fonder, the fact that we're absent from our best friends makes it nearly impossible to stay up to date and truthful. Although you're excited to start your new adventure, do you have just a twinge of homesickness for the way things were? Or do you feel just a little bit more alone because you've diverged on an entirely new and foreign path?

I do. I feel anxious, lonely, excited and just plain scared. At the meeting, I realized that the only mentor I have is my mother. Which is not a bad thing at all because I have learned invaluable lessons from her while having the assurance of a mother's love to guide me back to the right path, even if it does require a few more mascara stains on my bathroom and closet floors. I need a girl-friend around my age where the two-way street of loving criticism runs both ways. Yet, with all these changes arising in all of our lives, I think I will have to wait until the dust settles and we all achieve a slightly stronger grasp on our newly chaotic lives... whenever that happens :)

Although Chad is my best friend and life partner, he can not possibly understand all the emotion driven rampages of the female brain and quite frankly, I don't want him to. There's a reason God made both women and men... so that we can be different but complement and motivate each other through those differences.

Anyway, if you get one thing out of this post: find your mentor. If you have one already, hold on to her. If you don't, good luck! I'll be searching with you :)

Check ya later y'all :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

I love...

I love learning...

...pretty much sums up why I chose to become a teacher. I love learning so much that I want it to become contagious to my students. I love learning so much that most days, my brain hurts from information overload. Twitter and Blogs are my continuous professional development--preparing me and challenging me in unimaginable ways.

I love people...

...whether or not you choose to believe it, we are miraculously created beings with the infinite potential and ability. It's fascinating to see how people who have suffered incredible heard ships survive, heal, and forgive through the grace of God.

I love God...

...I've always had faith in a higher power-- there has to be a reason for all the heart ache, anger, frustration and exhaustion-- but I have been a backseat Christian for the past eight years or so. Now, I am making conscious efforts to redefine my notion of faith and religion through experiencing God's goodness through study and service. I'm looking to my mom on this one-- for one last time to hold my hand and guide me along my path until I'm mature enough to walk on my own.

This was not intended to be a deep and spiritual post but actually an affirmation of my Twitter affection... but this is what the fingers typed.

Look forward to seeing most of you this weekend. I'm accompanying my mother to a spiritual growth conference tomorrow in Topeka hosted by the United Methodist Women. I'm honestly looking forward to it.... to "recharge" my batteries as Rev. Hamilton said this past Sunday.

Next post will be more lighthearted. I'm going to test some of those recipes on Kevin and Amanda's blog. I'll let you know how they go! Up for this week: Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas, Colorful Chicken Alfredo and Chicken Cordon Bleu. (Can't you tell I have some chicken to get rid of?)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Great Blog!

So I was going to go to bed relatively early until I stumbled upon this blog.

She has neat things such as blog tips, backgrounds, free stuff and more.

But perhaps the best part of her blog are her recipes:

I just surveyed a few and have already added them to my recipe card box to try... but my, oh my, does her stuff look good! Beware: she uses the real stuff; so it might be advised to workout often :)

Enjoy, I know I will!

Andrew Thomas

It's inevitable that sometime in our lives, girls go through the baby craze. You know, where you watch hours, upon hours of Birthday Story, Baby Story or other glorious odes to infants on TLC.

Well, the baby craze has hit me hard... and no, I am not pregnant, nor do I anticipate becoming pregnant in the near future.

Fortunately, my older sister gets to enjoy all the blessings of pregnancy and I get to experience it vicariously... without any of the side effects. My family is expecting a miracle named Andrew Thomas sometime around Christmas/New Years. And...


For those of you who don't know, I currently have 9 nieces and nephews who are more like brothers and sisters. Not only was I almost 6 years old when my lovely nieces and nephews arrived in my life, but I also had the unique privilege of living with 6 of the 9. My parents house was beyond the definition of bonkers when all of us were home... and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

But with Andrew, I won't be six years old when he's born... I'll be 23. I will actually be Aunt Cassie to this little angel and I will get to enjoy and savor his childhood as I am no longer a child myself.

In preparation, I've already requested days off work (two months in advance) and have stalked potential birthday presents. Rather than spending my precious procrastinating moments on Facebook, I check out Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Walmart for the cutest baby toys, clothes and accessories. And I think I've found the one. It's a cute little stuffed snowman whose t-shirt says, "Andrew, I love you SNOW much!" How precious is that?

Who could ask for a better Christmas present than for God to bring a new life into the world and bless our family? Nope, can't think of a better one :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Life After Undergrad

I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts about their new jobs or their experiences in graduate school. But there's one more aspect to consider: life after undergrad at K-State. As seniors, we all felt a little on the geezer side while walking around campus or visiting friends at a house party... that's not even mentioning the youthful antics of a fraternity on weekend nights. But this year is worse... much, much worse.

I felt incredibly old visiting my sorority house prior to initiation. I wandered around the halls of the beautiful old house, memories literally popping out of the walls, and I didn't recognize anyone living in. There was no familiar face to greet me and say, "Hi, how've you been?" I never really got a chance to meet the sophomore class due to student teaching, but wow, I felt like a stranger in a home I loved so much.

I'm sure this is a grave mental exaggeration, but still, it's very different without everyone here. No longer can I call up my favorite Colorado resident for wine and Grey's on Thursday nights and no longer can I see Senorita Julia booking it to class in her sweats and fancy scarves while grooving to a fantastic tune on her iPod. The bottom line is: all of the estrogen in my life has put on their big girl panties and left for the big girl world.

Now, don't pity me thinking I'm a complete loner with no friends left in the Little Apple. One of the benefits of marrying an engineer is their friends stick around for a little while. All of the men in my life are still around as well as the crazy nights at the Thunderdome, techno raves in the "Boom-Boom-Room," late nights studying in the engineering complex, bon fires, grilling, midnight showings of movies, amongst many other testosterone driven activities.


What happened to the late night chats, longer than normal dinners because we can't stop talking, dressing up to the nines just for the heck of it, rocking the ville in 80's attire, sharing embarrassing stories, and yes, crying to our friends because something went horribly wrong in our lives. And when the heck did we get too old for sleepovers??

So, here's my solution. If you're ever in the Little Apple, and need a place to stay, look no further! Give me a call, Chad will go hang out with the Ben's, and we'll have a full-out, middle-school style sleepover complete with girl-movie classics (The Notebook or Sex and the City anyone?) and perhaps even a game of "Truth or Dare."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

On the Bandwagon...

Why, hello there!

It's been a while since I've wandered into the Blogosphere. I believe my last Xanga post consisted of trivial rantings of a hormonal teenager and planning what mischief my friends and I had in store for the weekend. Alas, I've reached another transition in my life and feel that I must, again, share my experiences with the world.

In the five months I have:
  1. Graduated from college
  2. Taught a six week long math class to 7th and 8th graders (my first long term class), in addition to a gazillion other one week long classes.
  3. Got accepted into Graduate School
  4. Got a job as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the College of Education
  5. Got a job as a tutor at Sylvan Learning Center
And oh,

I got married.

Summer and the last few months have literally been a blur of wedding planning, lesson planning, teaching, working out, hanging out, eating, dancing, presents, copious thank-you notes, working, studying, and sleeping. Chad and I love married life... although it takes a little getting used to having some other human being in your personal space 24/7. (I mean who puts open food UNCOVERED in the fridge?? You think an engineer would be smarter than that!) But all-in-all, these past few months have been unquestionably the happiest months of my life. Not only am I married to the love of my life, but I get to call my best friend my husband.

Alright, enough of the mushy stuff. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone's life with a much more sophisticated blogging platform :)

Gosh, I just love Google. But we'll save that love affair for another day.