Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm aliiiiiiive!!!

Yes, I know I am overwhelmingly overdue for an update. Since July 28th, my life has blasted forward. I'm no longer a college student but am, in fact, struggling to fit into my big-girl panties (both literally and figuratively, unfortunately). Let's see if I can give you a brief update on the last 6 months.

  1. Successfully completed and defended my Master's portfolio. My last name is now Banka, M.S. :)
  2. Began my first year teaching 7th grade math in a Wichita area school district.
  3. Began my first year coaching Junior Varsity Cheerleading at my district's highschool.
  4. Struggled keeping a healthy balance between work and real life. My obsessive compulsive tendencies resulted in many late nights and long weekends (much to my husband's chagrin).
  5. Realized, after much introspection, that things do not need to be perfect and imperfection actually saves me from insanity.
  6. Came to terms with my unrealistic ambitions for my first year. As much as I try to believe that I am superwoman, I am a mere mortal. I've learned just how much I have to focus on the administrative side of teaching--getting my procedures, expectations and grading techniques perfected-- rather than orchestrating creative, hands-on lessons.
  7. Have not cooked a new meal in... well... six months and thus resort to pre-made, quick meals, soup or *gasp* cereal for my hubby's and my dining pleasure.
  8. Have not been able to establish an exercise routine. Both items #7 and #8 result in my literal struggle to squeeze into my big-girl panties. *ugh*
  9. Failed to contribute to my personal and professional learning networks. I hope my Twitter friends will excuse my prolonged absence as I pick their brains over the summer in preparation for next year.
  10. Excited to adopt a new textbook and design a more engaging, hands-on curriculum for next and future years.
Even with all the ups and downs these past six months provided, I wholeheartedly believe I am where I need to be. When everything around me is new, it is such a comforting feeling to realize I am doing what I was made to do. There are days when I come home dead-tired, defeated and deflated... days when I wonder, "What the heck am I doing? Is it ever going to be any easier?" Yet there are many more days when I am uplifted by the bright and challenging young minds that fill my classroom. It's these days--the days when I spend 12 hours at school and a 30 minute commute dedicated to school-- that I actually look forward to the next grueling day.

Now that I've successfully waisted an hour or so writing this entry (while watching K-State dominate in their basketball game), I do have some school work I need to do :)

I can't promise I will update my blog more frequently, but I promise I will try.

Hope all of you are doing well wherever you are!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the blogging world! :)

    I can totally and compeltely relate to the "superwoman" thing. THat is me to a T. I want things to be perfect and with the class I was dealt this year and being new, and their academic level (lower than low), what I want just won't happen. Or at least in the timeline I'd prefer. :)

    Keep the posts coming. Tell Chad hey and that I miss him (and you of course.) Bye girl, keep in touch
